Giannis Chatzipavlou's blog

Mobiles and medicine: The brave new world of mHealth

AT&T and Vodafone are names we generally associate with calling plans rather than with healthcare. But with the rise of "mobile health" -- the use of mobile communications technology in healthcare -- some of the world's best-known telecoms brands are partnering with health-sector companies to enter the medical fray.

"MHealth," as it is known, has moved beyond a mere buzzword and now stands at a tipping point, say backers.

The eternity drive: Why DNA could be the future of data storage

How long will the data last in your hard-drive or USB stick? Five years? 10 years? Longer?

Already a storage company called Backblaze is running 25,000 hard drives simultaneously to get to the bottom of the question. As each hard drive coughs its last, the company replaces it and logs its lifespan.

While this census has only been running five years, the statistics show a 22% attrition rate over four years.

Some may last longer than a decade, the company says, others may last little more than a year; but the short answer is that storage devices don't last forever.